In search of the lost tomb: in the footsteps of Napoleon and General Gudin in Russia.
On October 14, 2020, Pierre Malinowski released his book published by the publishing house Le Cherche Midi, on the epic of General Gudin, prefaced by Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, Perpetual Secretary of the Académie française.

This book traces the youth of Pierre Malinowski and his passion for archeology until his historical discovery of the remains of General Charles Étienne Gudin, a close friend of Napoleon since the military school of Brienne, who died gloriously at the battle of Valutina-Gora, near of Smolensk in 1812. He will be buried in Les Invalides in May 2021 alongside the Emperor Napoleon. This ceremony should bring together Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin.
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